Good-Bye Google Reader & Other Randomness

Good-Bye Google Reader & Other Randomness


As many of you know, Google Reader is going bye bye 🙁 This totally sucks! For those of you who aren’t familiar with Google Reader – it’s amazing. It’s the easiest way for me to follow all of the blogs I love. Before I discovered Google Reader I had to save all the blogs I visited often into my favorites and then check them one by one each day, it got tedious. Google Reader let me enter in the 30 different blogs I follow and then on one page shows me all the updates. That meant no more checking each individual site over and over for updates. This was convenient because most sewing blogs aren’t updated daily, sometimes just once a week or even less because we are all so busy sewing!

I found Bloglovin as a substitute. I’m still trying to find my way around it and will have to get used to all the “features”. I loved Google Reader because it was extremely basic and obvious to use. So we’ll see how Bloglovin goes!

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

On another note, I’ve been working really hard on Gertie’s Butterick 5882 Shelf-Bust Dress. I made it a few times, changed it up a bunch and then got aggravated at it… basically it’s been a journey, I don’t know if I would call it a fun one though. Hopefully I’ll have the full review up by this weekend 🙂

And lastly, I think I’ll be redoing my website. Just to starting out I used a basic theme and changed a few things up, but being a web designer I feel the need to make it “mine”. We’ll see when I get time… between sewing, my new video game Injustice: Gods Among Us and Hilary Duff’s latest book True I may be pretty busy!

6 thoughts on “Good-Bye Google Reader & Other Randomness

  1. Im glad Ive never used it. I always hate when something ends and I like it. Also, I wouldnt use any service(?) from such giant except gmail. They can close it whenever they want to (since it’s just side-project) and this way i avoid it 🙂
    I think if i got to know the reason to use such services, i would end up coding my own 😛 Oh well, what you dont do yourself.. 😀

    1. I guess I could code my own, it wouldn’t be too difficult. I just get overwhelmed with everything else I want to do LOL I want to sew, hang out with the husband, play video games, read my book, ride my motorcycle, work on my websites LOL Too much to do and not enough time! I love Google though 😉

      1. I don’t say I don’t like Google. I just kinda dislike it being big brother. but still better than cispa / sopa / fb /… 🙂

        you really have a lot to do. You should make a priority list 🙂

        i can code it for you, during summer 🙂 $50 / month seem to be fine, doesn’t it? 😀

        1. free always is better 😉 lol but now I found and it works out better. I can find new blogs and see who follows 🙂 I really like it!

          1. when you code yourself (or i code for you (well, for free 😛 )) you can customize it :))

            you can see how many creepers are there stalking you 😀
            now seriously, that’s good ! 🙂

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