I found this super cute vintage circus print fabric at Hobby Lobby and NEED to figure out something to make with it. I was at least sane and haven’t bought it yet, but I want to. I have told myself no more buying fabric unless I already have a project in mind … and that is really hard to stick with!
So… since I don’t have kids, what should I make with this? Maybe a vintage dress? That is always my “go-to” idea 😉
Let me know your ideas. It’s just 100% cotton basic material, nothing fancy or expensive.
Hey Amy, that’s very responsible of you not buying it just yet hehe. Not many people have that much self control! You should check out this blog laikadoll.blogspot.com.au Bernadette makes lots of really cool dresses with cute fabric and most look like they are 100% cotton. You might get some ideas for it 🙂
Oh I’m loving this blog! Thank you so much 🙂 First thing I saw was a totally pin-up dress and CryBaby screen stills – SCORE!!
Do you have any more of the circus fabric you purchased at hobby Lobby? In search of one yard! If so, how much per yard?
Thank you,
I didn’t end up buying it. I kept telling myself I needed to have something to make before I bought it LOL Next time I’m at Hobby Lobby I will look and see if they still have it and let you know! What are you making?
Will u sale some of your circus fabric need two yards to complete a project
I just saw your comment on my post. I actually never ended up buying the
fabric. I didn’t know what to make and told myself not to buy it until I
figured out what to make. It was at Hobby Lobby. Maybe they have more?