R.I.P. Guinness 2003-2017

R.I.P. Guinness 2003-2017

It’s with a heavy heart that I’m posting this. Guinness passed away on Friday (July 28, 2017). As many of you know he got sick in April and the outlook wasn’t good. I’ve been nursing him back to health as much as possible and he’s been a fighter but all of his ailments got the best of him. He was 14 years old and lived a great life. He went on his own and had his Mommy & Daddy with him. I’m so thankful he didn’t pass alone, that was one of my biggest fears. I snuggled him all day. I’m devastated by this loss, he was my first child, not just a pet. I’m trying to get by as much as possible but it’s hard when you’re constantly reminded. I don’t want to make this sad, I just wanted to let everyone know. There are still a few more posts coming that he’s in the pictures – so stay tuned for that. Here are a bunch of pictures of him because I love his face and wanted to share!

7 thoughts on “R.I.P. Guinness 2003-2017

  1. Oh Amy, I am so so sorry. We lost our Nala last September and it still hurts every single day. I loved seeing your posts with Guinness, he was such a happy little guy. The only thing that gives me comfort is knowing that Nala is in no more pain. Guinness is also in no more pain. Maybe they can hang out in Puppy heaven together. Sending you love. ~Kristin~

    1. Thank you. It’s so hard to process that he’s no longer here 🙁 I do feel a great relief that he’s out of pain and hopefully in a better place <3 I hope they are playing happily together!

  2. Oh Amy, I’m really sorry to read this about Guinness! It’s so horrible when this happens, because our pets aren’t just pets, they’re another little being in our houses who happen to be furry with four legs. I’ve been there myself when my cat Ozzy died. It takes a while, but it will get better, and you’ll be able to laugh about things that he did. He was such a lovely wee dog, and I always liked to see photos of him on your blog. That wee face!! Also, I’m from Northern Ireland, so I loved his name! Take care of yourself, Lynne x

    1. Thank you. To me Guinness was my child, so this has been crazy hard. I didn’t realize your blog was named after your cat! That’s so cute – I love it. When he was a pup, you could flip him over and he was the 3 colors of a fresh poured Guinness 😀

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