- by amy
I found this genius idea on Pinterest a few days ago and had to give it a try. I’m obsessed with organization, yet am terrible at it! But I’m extremely thankful for the invention of both Pinterest and IKEA!

The full tutorial is by Jennifer Jenkinson at That girl… That quilt. She uses comic book cardboard as the actual bolt and then you just wrap the fabric around that. Her website is all about quilting and the 7″ x 10.5″ cardboards fit the traditional quilter’s cotton perfectly if you fold the fabric selvage to selvage and then fold that in half. On a lot of my fabric I had to fold it into thirds – but it still worked out great. I found the comic book cardboard at my local comic book store priced at $9.95 for 100 boards. Good deal!

I have 3 of these EXPEDIT Shelving Unit’s from IKEA that I use for various purposes (fabric & sewing, showing off my No Doubt memorabilia and one for clothing). This bookcase is perfect for my fabric stash. Each cubby hole is organized by yardage and then color. Each bolt has a note with details about the fabric. You can get the same notes here for free. I have about 80% of my stash done and it’s looking great! Thanks for the helpful idea Jennifer!
Thanks for posting this idea! You inspired me so much that I went to my local comic book store today, picked up some cardboard, and reorganized my fabric. Looks so much better now. Thank you!!
YAY! I’m really glad it inspired you! My bookcase looks SO MUCH BETTER now that the fabric is organized all nicely 🙂
OMG!!! Brilliant idea!!!! I LOVE your blog! Has the word: ‘blogasm’ been coined yet? Such fun! 🙂
Thanks for the love! I dunno – but I love it! LOL