- by amy
I took a bit of a break after sewing this beast, but I earned it – look at this thing!

Nico couldn’t decide if he wanted to be Michael Jackson’s “Bille Jean” or “Thriller” for Halloween. About 2 weeks before Halloween I told him he had to choose, after much debate he decided on “Thriller”. He wanted the wolf mask with the iconic red leather jacket. I started sketching out how I would make this and what steps would be involved.

I started out by drafting a pattern based upon another jacket pattern I had. I made him a muslin to test the fit and then tweaked the pattern to a point that the only thing remaining the same was that it zips in the front. I made a second muslin and the fit was perfect. I couldn’t find any red pleather so I had to resort to vinyl. I ordered it online in both black and red. The vinyl was great and I saved some to make a purse from, but this was NOT the right fabric to use for this project. The jacket kind of stands up by itself! Oh well, I knew it was going to be a bit stiff but I felt like I had no other choice. It was that or real leather.

Sewing with this material was a challenge, but it went much better than I had anticipated. I used a leather needle and sewed VERY slow. Also – you can’t make any mistakes or else it will show holes! The other challenge was sewing through all the layers. This is fully lined with flannel:

I tried to mimic Michael’s jacket as best as I could. The only obvious difference is that I used velcro instead of snaps, but how the hell was I going to be able to put snaps through all those layers of thick fabric?!?! Nope. Not even trying.

The jacket has quilting too and I actually did a good job on it! Sometimes sewing a straight line is the hardest task 😉

Overall, I’m super proud of this make. It took me a good 40 hours of designing and sewing. There was a ton of math involved with the angles and the black portions. I’m saving this jacket forever!

For Halloween he demanded Andres and I be “the creepies”:

His Daddy did his face painting 🙂

Here he’s trying to be a “creepy”:

A few weeks after this we went to a Michael Jackson tribute show called MJ Live in Springfield, Ohio. It’s the same crew who performs at The Stratosphere in Las Vegas. The impersonator was a guy named Jalles Franca and he was amazing – a true entertainer! We had so much fun and Nico even got onstage and danced! The video is beyond cute <3
Afterwards we even got to meet “Michael”!

Jalles was incredibly nice and super talkative with Nico. He was impressed with the jacket I made and loved that Nico is so obsessed with Michael. He even signed the jacket:

Sorry it took me forever to post this, but better late than never! I love jacket and so does Nico – which is all that matters 🙂

This is truly amazing and you are an awesome mom. One day this young man will grow up and be able to show so much love to others based on the love he receives from his mom/dad. Holiday Blessings, I really enjoyed seeing this post.