- by amy
I knit Guinness a sweater!

I took a beginners knitting class at JoAnn Fabrics over the winter and have been trying to learn more ever since. I knit a couple of scarves and dish clothes but then got bored. I wanted to actually make something fun! So I went out and found this book:

I needed detailed pictures to help me figure things out. Besides the awful name, this book is great. The pictures are very easy to understand and the patterns are too – kinda. Since I’m still so new I got confused a couple of times. But overall I didn’t do too bad for my first “real” knitting project!

I did screw up the armholes and purled when I should have knit, or vice versa… something went wonky.

Guinness says he doesn’t mind…

… probably because he has no choice 😉

I dropped a couple of stitches here and there too. I am not ashamed of all of the things I screwed up – because one day I’ll look back and think how cute I was trying to make a doggie sweater!

I am proud of how it came out. I think it looks good and it fits him around his body. It is kinda (okay, very) long – but at least his little bum will be warm!

Guinness and I had fun taking pictures. Don’t let him fool you, he’s a vain little doggie who loves getting his picture taken!

I highly recommend this book. The detailed pictures help out so much and it teaches you the techniques very well. It’s a great book to keep on hand as a reminder and guide. There are about 8 patterns too. Doggie sweater, socks, sweater, scarves, dish clothes and blankets.
How many of you out there knit? What all have you made?

Hahaha. I love it.
Seriously, you did a great job on it!
Thank you! I figured, it looks like a sweater – so I did something right! 😛
Amy it looks good…G is so cute to look at…He will keep warm…love you
Thanks 🙂 It definitely keeps him super warm now that he has all of his hair cut off!
So stinking cute!!
Thank you <3
This picture: https://www.thatssewamy.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/1640x1386xinsideout.jpg.pagespeed.ic.L0a16tm830.jpg
kind of looks like Pussy Riot’s masks 🙂
*I know I have the strangest comment again*
Totally random lol
Too cute — fun idea, and much more complicated than I could ever attempt!
I enjoy your blog, so I’ve nominated you for a Sunshine award…if you do awards please feel free to carry it on 🙂
Thanks so much! I feel honored 😀