McCalls 6559 Maxi Dress Fail

McCalls 6559 Maxi Dress Fail

Sometimes things just don’t turn out how you envisioned them. This is an example of that: McCalls 6559.

I had high hopes
I had high hopes

As I’ve mentioned many times before I love all things Gwen Stefani. This includes her fashion line L.A.M.B.. I really liked the relaxed look of this maxi tank dress and wanted to recreate it. Randomly while at JoAnn Fabric I found a print that reminded me of the dress, so I bought a few yards and went searching for a simliar pattern.

comfy, lazy day dress
comfy, lazy day dress

Turns out that I actually had M6559 in my stash because I loved view E:

star and stripes ftw!
star and stripes ftw!

I ended up making View D, which is just a long basic knit tank dress. The suggested fabrics were: Moderate Stretch Knits: Jerseys, Cotton Knit, Double Knit, Interlock. I didn’t really think much of my fabric since it was stretchy. I’ve come to realize (of course after making it) that the fabric I had must have been all wrong and that’s why this ended up as a failure. I don’t exactly know what kind of fabric it is but it’s a polyester type super stretchy heavier fabric. It reminds me of 90’s dresses, if that makes any sense. So all this means that the fabric is heavy and hangs weird. It makes me look shapeless.

i look like a sweaty mess
i look like a sweaty mess

Keep in mind I made this in July, so that’s why I look sweaty! HAHA.. Anyways… If you look at the above picture you can see how it doesn’t really hug my figure or do anything positive for it. It really just makes me look blah.

good thing i shaved my pits
good thing i shaved my pits

I was so disappointed in the outcome that I didn’t even bother with binding the seams or even hemming. I figured why even bother because I kinda hate this dress. Although, it actually looks better in pictures than it does in person.

cutest photobomber ever
cutest photobomber ever

I have another yard of this fabric and am trying to figure out what to do with it. I’ve thought about burning it and I’ve thought about giving it away. But in the end I don’t want it to defeat me.


The pattern itself is SUPER simple though. It’s just 2 pieces that you sew together, bind and hem. You could make a dress in just a few hours.

trying to look enthused - but it just isn't going to happen.
trying to look enthused – but it just isn’t going to happen.

I’m wondering if maybe it’s just this type of maxi dress? That it’s just not very flattering in general? I can see why the pattern comes with a jacket, that way you can tie it around your waist and get some kind of definition.

guinness makes it look better
guinness just threw up a little in his mouth because of boring dress

What’s your opinion on this style of dress? What do you think I should do with leftover fabric? Should I just give it away or make something? What should I make? I hate being such a Debbie Downer in this post but I can’t help it. I’ve debated on even posting the failure but figured it’s good to post garments that either turned out bad or just plain sucked. We all have this happen to us and it’s good to share the experience.

mommy stop making daddy take pictures of me!
mommy stop making daddy take pictures of me!

Guinness wants to make this post a bit more cheerful!

37 thoughts on “McCalls 6559 Maxi Dress Fail

  1. I have this pattern, too! I haven’t made it up yet, but I just realized it would make a great cozy nightie! Maybe this dress could be redeemed if you just wore it as pajamas?

    1. Let me know if you make it and what you think of it! It would be a decent nightgown for sure… if I wore them LOL Baggy or long clothes drive me nuts at night.

  2. You are hilarious- love it! lol I don’t really sew, so my suggestions could be completely useless, but I feel like it’d be hot if you made it a halter and made it super low and drape-y in the back!!

    1. The fabric is kinda heavy to be cute drape-y… but I think it being lower definitely couldn’t hurt!

  3. I would say chop the bottom off above the knee and finish off the hemming. I think it would look cute like that.

    1. That would really help with the walking.. it’s kinda a bitch to walk in. I will be re-vamping this and putting up an update soon!

  4. cute puppy dog! maybe add some fish eye darts into the back or nip it in a bit at the waist to show off a little more shape. or turn it into a tank top and then make some cute little boxer shorts too?

    1. Thanks! He makes the dress look 100x better 😉 I think I’ll take in the sides, if that doesn’t work, mini dress, if that doesn’t work… tank top!

  5. Couldn’t you take the side seams in at the waist? It doesn’t look terrible altho it doesn’t show off you lovely figure to its best at the moment. I reckon you could save it!

    1. I’m going to take it in at the sides, see if that helps… if not.. maybe CHOP it off into a mini LOL

  6. I made a maxi tank dress from that pattern and it was a huge fail. I chopped it up and made it into a top, but I’ve never worn it, so that was a fail too. I think part of it was bad fabric choice on my part but maybe the pattern was also a problem? Not sure if I’ll try that pattern again. But at least I know I’m not the only one to have issues with this dress!

    1. That makes me feel SO MUCH BETTER!!! I think when they say jersey, they mean like knit t-shirt material?

  7. I recently bought this pattern and was all jazzed about it, but we have simliar figures and now I’m rethinking it! I’ve looked at other reviews, and it seems like even though it’s only two pieces, you have to put in some time on the fitting to get it to reach that perfect skims-but-not-too-snug look. Maybe try taking it in a bit at the waist and/or shortening it? And if nothing else, your leftover yard might make a cute dolman-sleeve top (like the Cation Designs free pattern).

    1. The more I look at it, I think the more taking it in at the waist will help. Don’t rethink the pattern!! Make it!! I want to see how it would look 🙂 I really think my fabric was too heavy also :/ I love the Dolman Sleeve top, I’ve made 2 of those already!

  8. That stinks that it is pretty shapeless on you. I have this pattern too and really wanted to make up the star design after I saw it on Amanda’s adventures in sewing ( But now that I go back and look, it is pretty shapeless on her too. Perhaps the fabric choice makes it more so? I just love the star design so I can’t give up 😀 I sure hope you get it figured out

    1. She has the same body type as me it seems. Maybe it’s meant for big boobs and no hips? LOL I do like the star pattern better though. She did a great job making hers, looks so clean. I really think it has a lot to do with the fabric. Let me know if you make it!

    1. Thanks 🙂 I just don’t think it’s flattering… I plan on fixing it up though!

  9. What if you took it in at the side seams at the waist? Would that help? It might also help to go to the mall and try on a bunch of different styles of maxi dress. That’s probably the only way to know if it’s the pattern, your fabric, or the silhouette.

    1. Good idea about the mall… that may help me realize what looks best on me. I will be taking it in on the sides – I WILL make this dress happen LOL

  10. I bet it would look really cute with a belt and a cropped jean jacket! That’s how I’m picturing it in my head anyway. I had a total failure this weekend so I can relate. I totally threw mine in the trash cuz I was in meltdown mode. If your just not feeling the fabric anymore give it away…or what about a tshirt?? plantain, renfrew ??

    1. I hadn’t thought of a jean jacket with it, that could work. Then it will look 90’s but like I meant it! 🙂 I’m thinking the fabric is too heavy and weird for a tshirt. I’m sure I’ll end up just doing a giveaway on here and asking someone to send in what they made with it.

  11. To be honest I don’t think it even looks that bad, but I know what’s it’s like when you make something and your not quite happy with the fit! I actually recently made a bit a fail of a dress too and ended up getting the seam ripper out and using the fabric again to make a really cute smock top. You could maybe do something like that with this dress or even the left over fabric? I’ve recently put a blog post up about it if you want to take a look for ideas xoxo

    1. I swear it looks better in pictures than in person LOL I’ll go check out your blog and see what you did 🙂 I love that everyone is giving me great tips and understands the frustration!

  12. Hi Amy,
    I like the print of your dress. You can dress it up or dress it down.

  13. Amy,

    When I FIRST made the maxi dress it just hung on me too, so I kept tapering it in on the sides until I got the look I wanted. You should try doing that. Whatever changes you make to your dress to get the fit you want, do the same thing to the pattern so when you make it again, you’ll have the fit you. I hope this helps.

  14. I understand what you mean about photos not telling the real story. However, the pictures are saying it looks like the style. I’m wondering if the weight of the fabric is causing the shapelessness. It may hang better with less length, but then that wouldn’t be a maxi.
    I just made the same dress, but shorter. I think that the pattern sizing is misleading. I also used a poly/lycra that is a little heavy. I’m okay with it being loose. When I make it again, I will be taking some in through the middle of the pattern because the width between the shoulders was wide on me.

    1. I think it has a lot to do with the fabric – it was heavy and just awkward. Taking it in at the stomach will help I think. I haven’t gotten around to fixing it because I’m still mad at it! LOL. I think maybe I like maxi dresses that have more shape and actually have a defined waist.

  15. Perhaps, now that you are pregnant, this dress will fit you perfectly, maybe that’s what it was waiting for! Add the Jean jacket, though.

  16. I just made this last night and was so disappointed when it looked terrible when done! I used a heavy ITY jersey from (94% poly/6% lycra) – it was heavy and stretchy and I think that was the problem. It was so huge! I was determined to make it work so re-serged the side seams, taking in each side at least 3-4 inches. Now it fits quite snuggly (I did the short version) and I’m mostly happy with it except that I think it’s probably only appropriate to wear to a wedding or a night club. I didn’t finish the necklines or armscyes yet – I think I might try to line it with a solid knit so that it will be a little fancier.

    1. Sorry about the late reply – I didn’t get notified that you commented! Sounds like you were having some of the same issues as I was. I think if I made mine short, it would look WAY BETTER. Good luck with yours!

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