McCalls M7757 Toucans

I’m super excited for this post! I made this outfit for vacation. It’s a little out of my comfort zone but it paid off and I love it!

This is McCalls M7757. It’s described as:

“Very loose fitting off the shoulder tops have elasticized neckline and waist and sleeve variations. Pants have elastic waist and pockets. Top options A and B have ruffles, while C and D have sleeves.”
I don’t know how I forgot to take a pockets picture but either way – POCKETS! YAY! I made view A for the top.

I’m no stranger to McCalls but it’s been awhile since I’ve made any of the Big 4 and apparently I forgot about the EASE. They seriously need to stop with that shit or change their size chart. I followed the chart exactly by my measurements: 36-30-39 and made a Medium in the top and Large in the pants. This also meant that I had to buy 2 separate patterns since Medium and Large don’t come together in the same pattern. All that and I really needed a Small in the top and Medium in the pants. I could have bought 1 pattern. Jokes on you McCalls – I got them for $1 at JoAnn, haha.

I ended up shorting the elastic on the shoulders of the top by 15 inches! That’s crazy! On the bottom I ended up taking the sides in about 1/2 inch each. Next time, top Small and bottom Mediums. I will be making this again I’m sure. I want to make view B next time for the top, which means a second tier of ruffles. I don’t even like ruffles but OMG I love it on this! I felt so tropical. I noticed about 5 different women in Miami airport wearing similar styles to this. Guess McCalls is on-trend! The way the pants hit and how the top shows a little bit of midriff is super flattering on all sizes.

Onto the amazing fabric. I bought this at JoAnn and it’s a rayon. The drape is dreamy and the fabric is so breathable. I wasn’t even hot wearing this! It flowed beautifully and is incredibly comfortable. I checked and JoAnn doesn’t have this exact fabric anymore, they just have a snuggle flannel and that for sure wouldn’t work the same!

I can’t end this post without raving about our vacation. We went to San Andres Island, Colombia. I can’t even begin to explain how amazing this place is. I’ve always heard about crystal clear water that is turquoise and blue but I’ve never actually found it. I’ve been to Mexico, Jamaica and Dominican Republic, they were all wonderful but they didn’t live up to the whole clear/color thing. I honestly just assumed everyone Photoshopped their photos and it was all a lie. UNTIL SAN ANDRES. Holy shit it’s gorgeous. The water is 7 different colors of blue and turquoise is one of them. You can see through the water and it’s divine. I know I’m still on vacation high but you need to research this place. Here is an unedited photo:

That’s with a crappy digital camera too! Andres is from Colombia and actually has gone to San Andres a few times when he was younger. He’s always talked about how amazing it was, so we figured it’s time for Nico and I to check it out. It did not disappoint!

So overall, great pattern (if you size down!), fun fabric and an amazing vacation 🙂

Disclaimer: I am not sure who created this amazing graffiti artwork and I feel terrible for not knowing. I couldn’t fully read the signature and I noticed I’m accidentally standing in front of it in almost all my photos. I did a Google search and came across it on Flickr. The user says Marolino but the signature doesn’t seem to say that. Either way, if you are the artist and want proper credit please contact me and I will rectify this! Thank you and sorry!

One thought on “McCalls M7757 Toucans

  1. Love it! Going to make also. I live in close to Panama City Fla. and need tropical wear. You should see the beach here too. The sand is super white and makes the water reflect a clear turquoise color. Thanks for your review may have saved me a yard of fabric.

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