Minerva Crafts Blogger Network – Vogue 8881

Minerva Crafts Blogger Network – Vogue 8881


I wanted a quick and easy to wear shirt for my July Minerva Crafts Blogger Network project. I choose Vogue 8881 (View A) because it looked comfortable and a fast sew. Lately I need garments that sew up quickly because a certain little baby is teething.


My measurements at the time were 37-31-40, so I went with a size Medium but in the end I did take in the sides 5/8″ and the top shoulders 5/8″. My measurements actually line up with a size Large but after looking at my cut out pieces they seemed huge. I’m really glad I sized down because I would have been swimming in that Large!


The shirt was a very fast sew and the directions are crazy easy. The only “gotcha” I encountered was on the front where the neckline comes to the shape of a V. Watch out with your clipping right there because you can easily cut it too short. The pattern asks you do to a narrow hem on the neckline and it was a little hard to sew the V part without the selvage showing a tiny bit. I think that was just because of my issue with clipping too short.


The pattern calls for you to sew a narrow hem on the neckline, armholes and bottom hem. Pretty simple.


The shirt isn’t flattering on me so I doubt I’ll wear it out much. It is crazy comfortable but I feel as though it makes me look a lot bigger than I actually am. Maybe it’s the stripes too? I don’t know, but when I picked my fabric it looked awesome in my head!


I’m a huge fan of the fabrics, I actually ended up using the extras to make Nikolai some super slim harem pants (more about those coming in a future post). The black ones look so adorable on him and the stripes make him look like my little jailbird.


Overall it’s a good pattern, just be mindful of the loose fitting part. It’s fast, easy and comfortable.

7 thoughts on “Minerva Crafts Blogger Network – Vogue 8881

  1. Oh! Baby and Guinness all in one post!! Cuteness overload 😀
    I like your top, the design is really cool. I don’t think it looks bad at all and I totally love fast and easy sews 🙂

    1. Thank you! Fast and easy always makes me happy. Lately I have no time so I need quick projects if I want to feel accomplished!

    1. Thank you! I typically like tighter shirts. He does, doesn’t he? LOL I’m biased

  2. I would of never thought to buy this pattern but after seeing your version of it I really like it. I love your fabric combination I think it looks great on you.

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