- by amy
Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve posted anything! If you’ve ever had a baby then you know all of the chaos that comes along with being a first time mom. Now that I feel a bit more human and that I can successfully take care of this little guy – I will be posting more!
This is the free Newborn Gown pattern from Stitched Together. I actually started making this gown before Nikolai was born back in December. Since then I’ve slowly been trying to finish. It took me about a month and then another month to get this posted 😉 So these photos are actually from February 4 when he was almost 6 weeks old. He is at least 11 pounds and 23 inches long (his checkup was a week before and these were his stats).

This is a super easy pattern and a quick sew (if you aren’t 10 months pregnant or have a newborn). I used my serger to finish all edges nicely. You can use a twin needle but I choose not to just because I’m lazy and haven’t ever used one before, I didn’t have time to learn. That being said – the gown still turned out really awesome! The binding is just the same knit fabric you use for the gown.

I think it would be really cool to take an old band t-shirt and make baby a gown from it. These gowns are ideal because changing him is much easier than taking off pants or a onesie each time. I also made a quick hat to match it but I didn’t really use a pattern, just kind of guessed it. Luckily it fit him well and looked cute!

It’s been so crazy cold here in Cincinnati, so a hat is a must for this little guy. He has worn the gown a couple of times but I usually put him in fleece to keep him warm. I can’t wait until spring when it gets warmer and he doesn’t have to be dressed like an eskimo!

Overall highly recommend this pattern! Quick and easy and perfect for your baby or baby showers.
I have lots of garments to post over the next few weeks, mostly maternity and baby items. I’ll be back to making myself clothes once I lose more of the baby weight and know what size I will be. Until then – enjoy Nikolai 😉
This little gown is adorable! (As is Nikolai 🙂 ) that fabric is perfect for the occasion too!
Precious! and I love the baby gown too! I used gowns on both my little ones, they seemed to like the snuggle, no cold toes. Nikolai is such a cute little boy.
That’s a cute little baby gown! And your baby is adorable 🙂
Thank you so much 😀
Cute baby and cute gown! How is Guinness taking to him?
Thank you! Guinness is protective and knows to stay away. He is jealous but has been a good boy!