I want to start this off by saying that I had a fantasy and that fantasy was to create an app that would store all of my sewing hoarding needs. Now, this isn’t too far off because in my everyday career life I’m a Software Engineer. The problem was that I had never created a phone app and didn’t even know the language. I kept telling myself I would learn Swift (the language) and start working on this fantasy. I always have big plans but then life happens and I remember that I have a lot going on! Between working full-time, being a wife and a Mom and then trying to get my stress relief in (sewing… although sometimes it’s a stress too!) I have zero time.
So back in February I get an email from Helene. She’s super nice and it seems like we have a lot in common. She was telling me about this fabric stash organization app she has in mind. I was SUPER excited! We became instant friends. I sent her over all the ideas and notes I had from my fantasy and told her I’d help her in anyway. I was hyped that someone else wanted to create this app and I didn’t have to do any of the work! YAY!!
So, introducing Cora:

Now, I’m not really one to push things on people. I’m not a salesperson, never have been, never will be. But, if I am really excited about something I tend to tell everyone. So know I’m not posting this review for any other reason than it’s something I wanted, now it exists and it makes my life easier – so I figured it could make your life easier too. I am super unorganized, yet obsessed with trying to be organized – does that make sense?! I have a massive stash and honestly have no idea what half of it is. I realize I’m a fabric hoarder and this app is helping me reel that in a bit.

Above is a screenshot of the fabrics I have entered. You can view them in tile mode like above or one below the other like so:

So far I’ve entered maybe 10% of my fabric. I am going to take a day off work to organize and enter the rest. I’ve been meaning to clean things up for awhile but life gets in the way. I did have more entered but some little baby reset my phone back to default settings (and changed it to Chinese) so I had to start over. I’m trying my best to enter in new fabrics when I buy them so I can put all the details like: date purchased (so I know how long I’ve been hoarding in the future), cost, designer, fabric type, etc.

There’s a couple screenshots of all the details you can enter. You can enter as much or as little as you like, none of the fields are required – so that’s nice!

The above screenshot shows how you can sort the fabric. Lots of different options to make things easier. Another great thing about this app? The search feature. You can search on any of the fields:

I’m all geeked out over this. I love the idea that I can be at the fabric store looking at a pattern and check if I already have a fabric I can use. Super convenient. Hopefully I’ll be able to sew through my stash a lot better since I will know what’s even in there!
Go check it out in the Apple App Store. You can use the app free for up to 5 fabrics I believe. After that you can upgrade easily from inside the app. The normal cost is $6.99USD but is on sale for $3.99USD until July 15th (sorry I wrote this blog so late, hopefully you have time to still get it on sale!). The app comes with great support. Helene is very dedicated to making this everything it can be. So if you have requests or find any bugs just let her know!
Thanks for this. Just bought the full version. Looking forward to a big sort out. Who knows what I will find K xXx
I feel the same way, who knows what gems I’ll find! I’m excited to go through my stash 😀
Great review, Amy! I got to try it out as well, it’s very easy to use and is exactly what I’ve been needing. Only one thing she needs to add….a note of whether or not the husband has seen the particular piece of fabric, or if it’s one that’s hidden, lol!
OMG I totally agree!!! 😛
I barely missed the sale by two days 🙁
Oh no!!! I mean to post sooner but I’m always so behind on everything. Did you end up getting it anyways?
Seems like a great app! I wonder if there is a way to log patterns too….I recently went through my pattern collection and discovered I bought one of them 3 times! It’s so hard to know what I have at home when I’m out shopping.
I mentioned that to her and it seems like she might have something up her sleeve 😉 I do the same thing, rebuying patterns all the time!