Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Happy 2016!!


I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas (or other holiday you celebrate 🙂 ) and Happy New Year! I’ve been so busy with the holidays and the baby’s FIRST BIRTHDAY!!!! AHHH!!! I honestly can’t believe he’s already 1. Where did the time go? Where is my little newborn?! Now he’s a big boy and even walking! I know, overuse of exclamation marks here but they are justified LOL

I just wanna kiss him forever!
I just wanna kiss him forever!

Between the holidays and his birthday I have been sewing, a little. I even embroidered the onesie he is wearing in his milestone picture above. I just need to take pictures in the clothing I made and blog about them. I’ve sewn Nikolai a ton of outfits in the last few months that I’ve never blogged about. I hope to get better with that too… so on that note:

My Resolutions:

1. Be a better blogger
I really hate neglecting my blog. I started this blog to showcase what I’ve sewn and help other sewists while also helping myself learn and grow. I feel like I’ve let a lot of people down by not blogging as much as I used to. My goal is to blog at least once every other week – that’s obtainable. I love that I do the Minerva Crafts Blogger Network because it forces me to stay on track and at least post something every month. I’d love to be blogging once a week by the end of the year.

2. Comment More
I really want to start commenting more on other sewists blogs. My time is very limited now, but I do check out blogs here and there. I want to start commenting again to show my support and appreciation for what others are out there doing. Plus other blogs inspire me and give me new ideas!

3. Take better pictures
One of my biggest blogging issues would be pictures. I suck at lighting and photography in general. It’s hard to find someone to take pictures of my garments because there’s always so much going on. I’ve used the timer function on my camera many times but half of the time my iPhone photos look better and I can’t do those by myself. I dunno, excuses. Either way, I’m going to stop making them and get better!

4. Wear what I’ve made
I won’t lie, I wear about 40% of what I make. I usually don’t wear something because I don’t like the fit or honestly I just don’t like it once it’s finished. I wear a lot of comfy clothing lately because taking care of an infant (I guess I should say toddler now) means you need comfort and nothing fancy or else it will be ruined!

5. Understand fitting better
I don’t know why this confuses the hell out of me but it does! Every pattern company has different ease, which makes it harder. I’ve been really into indie patterns lately, so that means I have no clue what their ease is. I try to read reviews first and join that pattern company’s Facebook group so I can ask questions but sometimes it just doesn’t matter. One person says how you need to always size up, the next says always size down. I don’t make muslins anymore because of time, but in the end if I’m not going to wear the garment maybe I should.

I think 5 is good enough. I don’t want to overwhelm myself. I want obtainable goals or else I’ll never reach them. What are some of your resolutions? Do you have any secrets for sticking with them?!

Happy Holidays from the Plaza’s!

Happy Holidays!
Happy Holidays!

One thought on “Happy New Year!

  1. Happy New Year Amy! I can’t believe he is already 1, like seriously I thought he was just born!! Good luck with your sewing goals this year 😀

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